Kitchen/Bath Remodeling (Updated 13 June 12)
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Day 0 - Here is what the kitchen looked like before the start of the remodeling project. The remodeling project will install new countertops and backsplash (2cm quartz), remove the wall paper, re-texture the walls, and paint them, install new sinks and faucets. The kitchen, laundry room (sink and countertop), pool bathroom, guest bathroom and guest bedroom (painting only) are the rooms being worked. The pictures below are of the kitchen area - I did not take "before" pictures of the other areas. 20 May 12

Day 1 - De-Construction!! Countertops removed, sinks and faucets are disconnected, and new water supply valves installed. The backsplash is removed (along with the sheetrock behind it). Found that the countertops were barely glued on to the supporting cabinets, and the countertops in the bathrooms were not glued/attached to the supporting cabinets at all. Made for an easy removal - no collateral damage. 21 May 12

Day 2 - Clean-up of the backsplash removal; getting the last bits of tile off and cleaning up the edge of the drywall. New drywall will be installed over the exposed wall studs. 22 May 12
Day 3 - Countertop Templates and Wallpaper Removal. The templates for the quartz countertops were created, seams/joints identified, and the final measurements made. The template is a translucent plastic sheet that the template-maker cut into strips. The strips were hot-glued together to form the outline of the countertop - this provides the dimensions and the angles needed. For the countertops that were rectangular, no template was needed (only the kitchen and the laundry room countertops required templates). The quartz will be cut to shape and then brought to the site for fitting and final adjustments (there will be some on-site cutting of various holes/cut-outs - i.e. for the electrical outlets). The removal of the wallpaper (kitchen and both bathrooms) has started. After the wallpaper is removed, the walls are then texture to match the ceiling. The wall will then be painted. The guest bathroom was the first room to have then done. Next up will be the pool bathroom and the kitchen wall paper; and then the kitchen sheetrock. 23 May 12

Day 4 - Wallpaper Removal / Wall Texturing. The wallpaper in the pool bathroom has been removed and the walls textured. Sheetrock installed in the kitchen (where it was removed with the backsplash). The removal of the wallpaper in the kitchen and the breakfast nook has started. By the end of tomorrow I expect the wallpaper / wall texturing phase to be complete. Painting to start next week. 24 May 12

Day 5 - Wallpaper Removal / Wall Texturing - Kitchen Area. The last of the wallpaper is removed from the kitchen and the sheetrock is textured (ready for painting - painting will be done next week). This pretty much completes the "de-construction" phase. From this point forward, the rooms start their constructive transformation. 25 May 12

Day 8 - Painting! The start of the "constructive transformation" phase of the project - room painting. The first row of images below is of the kitchen area. The wall color is called Restrained Gold, and there will be an additional finish/color added on top of this. The second row is the pool bathroom. the wall color is called Coral Island. The third row images are of the guestroom's bathroom. The wall color is called Maryville Brown. The last row of images are of the guest bedroom. The wall color is called Mellow Coral. Next up the installation of the quartz countertops - this will happen next week (countertops are currently being manufactured/sized and cut to the templates made on day 3). 29 May 12

Day 16 - Countertop, Backsplash, and Sink Installation! The quartz countertops and backsplashes have been installed (took the three installers a full 8 hours to get everything installed - there were some needed changes to the templates).

The quartz was pre-cut (overall dimensions and cut-out for the sinks) at the manufacture's location, but there was some sizing/cutting that had to be done on site (i.e. location of the electrical outlets, faucet holes). The adage of measure twice and cut once was followed (sometimes measuring three or four times) - there was not "additional" material to use for a "whoops". To make the seams between two pieces of quartz basically "invisible" the installers used a device that pulled the two edges together (with epoxy in between). the device "adhered" to the quartz via suction/vacuum. Once the countertop was installed, then the under mount sink was epoxyed to the countertop. A simple device pulled the sink up tight against the bottom of the countertop while the epoxy cured.

All that remains is for the plumber to hook up the sinks, faucets, and dishwasher, and install the garbage disposal. The electrician will change out the white electrical outlets/switches for dark brown/chocolate ones (a closer match to the quartz than the current white). 05 June 12
Day 18 - All the electrical outlet recepticalsand light switche were changed out (from white to dark brown). 07 June 12
Day 24 - Final phase - Installing the faucets and connecting the sinks. This phased was delayed by a week because the order for the faucets was misplaced and had to be re-ordered/shipped. Besides the new faucets, we are installing a new garbage disposal as well. Pictures of the finished project will be up in a couple of days. 13 June 12